Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und
Archäologie des Mittelalters der Universität Tübingen
ARGE: Netherlands(internet-link: "")
ArchWEB(internet-link: "")
Nederlandse Archeologie
Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek (ROB)(internet-link: "")
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia(internet-link: "")
- annual journal of the Faculty of Prehistory at Leiden University
Archeologie en theorie(internet-link: "")
, Kongress 17-19 Januar 1996 in Leiden
ARCHIS Centre of Expertise(internet-link: "")
Department of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology(internet-link: "")
, Municipal University of Amsterdam
Aktuelle Übersicht über archäologische Ausgrabungen in den Niederlanden(internet-link: "")
E-Mail-Adressen niederländischer Archäologen(internet-link: "")
RING(internet-link: "")
commercial dendrochronological research at the University of Amsterdam
NINO(internet-link: "")
Netherlands Institute for the Near East
The Gemina Project(internet-link: "")
- Roman Military Reconstruction.
Roman Ceramics(internet-link: "")
von Allard Mees
Zum Index
ARGE: Luxembourg(internet-link: "")
Luxemburgum Romanum and the Vichten Mosaic
Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art(internet-link: "")
D'Georges Kayser Altertumsforschung in Luxemburg(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
ARGE: United Kingdom(internet-link: "")
CAA 97 in Birmingham(internet-link: "")
Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology - 10-13.April 1997
Council for British Archaeology (CBA)(gopher//
Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England(internet-link: "")
- and its public archive, the National Monuments Record
RCAHM(internet-link: "")
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
Ancient Monuments Laboratory(internet-link: "")
Science and Stonehenge(internet-link: "")
Archäometrie in Stonehenge
STILE(internet-link: "")
: Clive Ruggles' Students' and Teachers' Interactive Learning Environment - Leicester University
MegaLithic!: Prehistoric Ritual Monuments within the British Isles(internet-link: "")
(250 images currently available)
Flints and Stones(internet-link: "")
Newcastle Museum of Antiquities
The Romans in Scotland
Hunterian Museum, Glasgow
The Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology(internet-link: "")
Jorvik Viking Centre(internet-link: "")
- York, UK
British Museum(internet-link: "")
Leicestershire Museum, Arts and Records Service: Archaeology(internet-link: "")
Department of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Southampton
Online Archaeology (internet-link: "")
Journal of Archaeological Theory
Southampton Archaeology(internet-link: "")
Virtual Field Trip - Salisbury Plain
Institute of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
- University College London
Department of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Bradford
Ancient Metallurgy Research Group(internet-link: "")
The Newstead Research Project(internet-link: "")
The Crift Farm Project(internet-link: "")
Butser Ancient Farm(internet-link: "")
Department of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Bristol
Department of Archaeology
University of Newcastle
Department of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Reading
Department of Archaeology and Prehistory
University of Sheffield
Department of Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Belfast
Field Archaeology Unit(internet-link: "")
University of Birmingham
The Wroxeter Hinterland Project(internet-link: "")
- An ongoing project employing IT to study the processes of Romanization in Shropshire
Monte Covolo(internet-link: "")
- Excavations at a Rock Shelter near Riparo Cavallino (IT): a teaching resource
Shepton Mallet(internet-link: "")
- Excavations at a Roman roadside settlement : a teaching resource
Bromfield(internet-link: "")
- A Prehistoric Barrow Cemetery in Shropshire
South Cadbury Castle, Somerset(internet-link: "")
- Later Prehistoric Pottery at an Iron Age Hillfort
Gold Barrow, Leicester(internet-link: "")
- Press release: discovery of important treasure in barrow
Old Bulawayo, Zimbabwe(internet-link: "")
- Description of a project currently being set up
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit(internet-link: "")
Oxford University
Trent & Peak Archaeological Trust(internet-link: "")
Internet Archaeology Homepage(internet-link: "")
Current Archaeology(internet-link: "")
History & Archaeology CDRoms(internet-link: "")
from Multimedia Management. COMMERCIAL.
ARMAMENTARIVM: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
ARGE: Ireland(internet-link: "")
Irish Archaeology Home Page(internet-link: "")
- A guide to Irish archaeology resources
Department of Greek and Roman Civilisation (internet-link: "")
University College, Dublin
Classics Ireland online(internet-link: "")
Archaeology Ireland(internet-link: "")
Daten von 231 archäologischen Ausgrabungen des Jahres 1993 in Irland(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
ARGE: Denmark(internet-link: "")
Museums Guide Danmark
Nationalmuseet København(internet-link: "")
Studienaevn for Forhistorisk Arkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(internet-link: "")
Studienaevn for Middelalderarkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(internet-link: "")
Studienaevn for Klassisk Arkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(internet-link: "")
World of The Vikings Project(internet-link: "")
The Grauballe Man(internet-link: "")
- Illustrated discussion of the bog-body.
Zum Index
ARGE: Sweden(internet-link: "")
The Viking Home Page(internet-link: "")
North-European Archaeology(internet-link: "")
University of Umeå
Dept. of Archaeology (internet-link: "")
University of Gøteborg
Dept. of Archaeology
University of Uppsala
Swedish Archaeology Bulletin Board(internet-link: "")
page of the Central Board of National Antiquties, Regional office West Sweden
The Slöinge Project(internet-link: "")
- Results from ongoing field work dealing with a Southwest Swedish chieftain site dated to AD 400 - 1000.
The Stone Age(internet-link: "")
: a paper on the Scandinavian Stone Age
The Bronze Age(internet-link: "")
- a paper on bronze age rock carvings in Scandinavia
The Celtic and Roman Iron Age(internet-link: "")
: a paper on the Iron Age in Scandinavia
The Migration and Vendel Ages(internet-link: "")
: a paper on the migration period in Scandinavia
The Viking Age(internet-link: "")
: a paper on the Viking age in Scandinavia, with references to Ireland and Vinland
Museum of Nordic Antiquities
University of Uppsala
Museums in Stockholm(internet-link: " ")
Stockholms läns museum(internet-link: "")
- an exemplary model for using the WWW in museum outreach.
Viking Age rune stones(internet-link: "")
- includes descriptions, pictures, photos and transcriptions
Nordic underwater archaeology
Zum Index
ARGE: France(internet-link: "")
Centre National de la Préhistoire
Département d'Art Pariétal Paléolithique
Base bibliographique Préhistoire du CNRS-SHS
Découverte d'une grotte ornée paléolithique à Vallon-Pont-d'Arc (Ardèche)(internet-link: "")
La grotte Chauvet
Datation des peintures de la grotte Chauvet(internet-link: "")
Neue C-14 Daten
La Grotte Cosquer(internet-link: "")
Eine 'clickable map' mit Bildern der einzelnen Höhlenbereiche
Le Musée du Louvre(internet-link: "")
Musée des Antiquités nationales(internet-link: "")
, St Germain-en-Laye
Musée d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne(internet-link: "")
Importants doutes archéologiques en France(internet-link: "")
- a challenge to orthodox archaeological views on Gergovia, Alesia and Bibracte
Le Centre Archéologique et son Musée(internet-link: "")
- the new museum at Mont Beuvray
Le Musée de l'Arles Antique(internet-link: "")
L'Archéologie sous les mers. Techniques et recherches(internet-link: "")
Nîmes, 2000 ans de culture latine(internet-link: "")
Shipwrecks from the Mediterranean coast of France(internet-link: "")
Megaliths of Morbihan: The Carnac region.(internet-link: "")
GIS and Remote Sensing for Regional Archaeology: Burgundy(internet-link: "")
Paleolithic Site Survey in the French Pyrenees(internet-link: "")
Tautavel, la Caune de l'Arago(internet-link: "")
Zum Index
Vereine & Publikationen
Weitere Informationen
- Stand: 15. Juni 1996
diese Seite enthΣlt
ARGE: Netherlands(
Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek (ROB)(
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia(
Archeologie en theorie(
ARCHIS Centre of Expertise(
Department of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology(
Aktuelle Übersicht über archäologische Ausgrabungen in den Niederlanden(
E-Mail-Adressen niederländischer Archäologen(
The Gemina Project(
Roman Ceramics(
ARGE: Luxembourg(
Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art(
D'Georges Kayser Altertumsforschung in Luxemburg(
ARGE: United Kingdom(
CAA 97 in Birmingham(
Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England(
Ancient Monuments Laboratory(
Science and Stonehenge(
MegaLithic!: Prehistoric Ritual Monuments within the British Isles(
Flints and Stones(
The Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology(
Jorvik Viking Centre(
British Museum(
Leicestershire Museum, Arts and Records Service: Archaeology(
Department of Archaeology(
Online Archaeology (
Southampton Archaeology(
Institute of Archaeology(
Department of Archaeology(
Ancient Metallurgy Research Group(
The Newstead Research Project(
The Crift Farm Project(
Butser Ancient Farm(
Department of Archaeology(
Department of Archaeology(
Department of Archaeology(
Field Archaeology Unit(
The Wroxeter Hinterland Project(
Monte Covolo(
Shepton Mallet(
South Cadbury Castle, Somerset(
Gold Barrow, Leicester(
Old Bulawayo, Zimbabwe(
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit(
Trent & Peak Archaeological Trust(
Internet Archaeology Homepage(
Current Archaeology(
History & Archaeology CDRoms(
ARMAMENTARIVM: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour(
ARGE: Ireland(
Irish Archaeology Home Page(
Department of Greek and Roman Civilisation (
Classics Ireland online(
Archaeology Ireland(
Daten von 231 archäologischen Ausgrabungen des Jahres 1993 in Irland(
ARGE: Denmark(
Nationalmuseet København(
Studienaevn for Forhistorisk Arkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(
Studienaevn for Middelalderarkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(
Studienaevn for Klassisk Arkaeologi, Aarhus Universitet(
World of The Vikings Project(
The Grauballe Man(
ARGE: Sweden(
The Viking Home Page(
North-European Archaeology(
Dept. of Archaeology (
Swedish Archaeology Bulletin Board(
The Slöinge Project(
The Stone Age(
The Bronze Age(
The Celtic and Roman Iron Age(
The Migration and Vendel Ages(
The Viking Age(
Museums in Stockholm( )
Stockholms läns museum(
Viking Age rune stones(
ARGE: France(
Découverte d'une grotte ornée paléolithique à Vallon-Pont-d'Arc (Ardèche)(
Datation des peintures de la grotte Chauvet(
La Grotte Cosquer(
Le Musée du Louvre(
Musée des Antiquités nationales(
Musée d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne(
Importants doutes archéologiques en France(
Le Centre Archéologique et son Musée(
Le Musée de l'Arles Antique(
L'Archéologie sous les mers. Techniques et recherches(
Nîmes, 2000 ans de culture latine(
Shipwrecks from the Mediterranean coast of France(
Megaliths of Morbihan: The Carnac region.(
GIS and Remote Sensing for Regional Archaeology: Burgundy(
Paleolithic Site Survey in the French Pyrenees(
Tautavel, la Caune de l'Arago(